TXA CSP Data Types
TXA CSP Data Types
This document describes the data types that must be standardized across participants in the DSL.
All data types are defined in Solidity, as this is the format they must take to be properly validated on-chain. Services written in other languages need to ensure proper serialization/deserialization.
The order type is used to trace an executed trade to a signed order (original payload submitted by trader) with matching parameters.
For complex orders that resolve to limit orders, some will have a predetermined range of prices for which the contracts can verify a proper execution price.
For some complex orders, the price cannot be known ahead of time and will be set as 0.
Absolute minimum necessary to represent a limit order:
When a Participating Interface receives an order and moves it through its system, it will apppend additional data to the original signed payload. When the order is included in a trade, it will have this additional data.
For example, the participating interface must assign a timestamp to each order received.
This will also be used when handling complex and contingent orders.
In all cases, an order MUST include the original payload signed by the trader.
The two orders included in a trade must have attributes that allow one to prove that the parameters of the trade is compatible with each order.
Participating Interface must designate input UTXOs used to fill each side of the trade. Participating Interface must generate output UTXOs.
First input UTXOs in list MUST fill side represented by Order a
Last input UTXOs in list MUST fill side represented by Order b
Fraud Proof
When a deposit is used as an input UTXO in a trade, it generates obligation UTXOs that represent the new state of the balance. Each obligation must reference the deposit UTXO from which it originates. Obligations do not require signatures from PI, as the hash of each output obligation is included in each signed Trade.
When a trader requests settlement, the PI must query for all unspent deposits and obligations, marking them as "spent" by creating a child UTXO which can no longer be used as an input.
Settlement Request
Settlement Block
When SDPs report for settlement, they must include a state commitment that contains all TraderIntent
messages signed by the PE for the range of IDs specified in the settlement.
Settlement Report
Trader Intents
A TraderIntent
is a message signed by the Participating Interface. It represents an update to the ledger. The update must be valid (doesn't break constraints imposed by the ledger) and must reference a signed message from each trader involved.
All TraderIntent
messages must be linearily sequenced by the Participating Interface.
Note that the Trade
data type defined above is also considered a TraderIntent
, as each trade must be the result of matching two trader-signed orders.
A DepositAcknowledgement
updates the ledger by creating a new output UTXO symmetric to the digital asset deposited by a trader in the AssetCustody
smart contract.
Settlement Acknowledgement
When a trader requests settlement of an asset, the PI must detect the smart contract event and take any action necessary to ensure that no further trades will occur that could affect that trader's balance of the asset. For example, a PI operating a limit order book should ensure that there are no active orders for products which include the requested asset.
Once a PI has confirmed that the trader's balance is now static, it signs and emits a message that's included in the same sequence as trades.
Last updated